Two New Members Elected to NBCOT’s Board of Directors in 2020
NBCOT welcomes Rachel Galant, MSNM, OTR/L, and Lauren Gray, COTA/L to our board of directors.
During the summer months, OTR and COTA certificants had the opportunity to vote for two new members to join NBCOT’s board of directors. Thousands of certificants participated and elected Rachel Galant, MSNM, OTR/L, and Lauren Gray, COTA/L.

Rachel resides in Illinois and currently works as an education program manager for the first-ever “translational” research hospital. She has been certified for over 18 years and received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin and her master’s degree from Spertus College. She has been involved with the ILOTA Communique committee as well as the Chicago Area Council of Occupational Therapy Directors. Rachel believes “evidence-based practice is the only way we can continue to advance our profession, quality care, outcomes, and client care.” Rachel is “excited about the opportunity to be on the NBCOT Board of Directors. I am interested in being involved at a national level in this organization that promotes clinicians to provide the best possible care for clients.” She has been “a huge advocate of the importance of keeping up with this certification to my colleagues. NBCOT helps build credibility and evidence-based practice to the occupational therapy profession.”

Lauren is from Georgia and currently provides teletherapy to the pediatric community and is also a faculty member at an OTA program. She has been certified for over 11 years and received her associate degree from Middle Georgia College and her bachelor’s degree from Middle Georgia State University. Lauren currently serves on the Georgia Occupational Therapy Association Membership Committee.Lauren believes it is important for certificants to maintain their certification because “with the varied requirements from state to state, NBCOT ensures a nationwide standard and dedication to the most relevant evidence-based service through enforcing continuing education requirements.” She wishes to join the NBCOT Board of Directors because “we commonly advocate for the well-being of our clients. Oftentimes, though, we overlook the responsibility to advocate for ourselves, our colleagues, and our profession. As COTAs, we must ensure that we are actively involved in the prominent organizations within our profession. I feel it is my professional duty to volunteer to help ensure COTA voices are heard and my COTA colleagues are represented.”
Interested in applying for a position on the board of directors? Calls for nominations are sent out via email and on our social media accounts. Be sure to follow us and add info@nbcot.org to your safe senders list.